Selecting Our Next Senator
Selecting Our Next Senator
Governing in these troubled times takes exceptional skills – analytical skills to develop policies that chart the best course for America and her 330 million citizens – not just for today, but for future generations. Further he must be able to convincingly articulate that course to the people of Pennsylvania and all America, divided as she is. Our choices are:
John Fetterman, former mayor of Braddock and current Lieutenant Governor. Although he had high hopes, as Mayor of that small and crime ridden town, during his decade or more of tenure, the Hospital closed, the Bank closed, the Supermarket closed as did the Drug Stores and Gas Stations. The population dropped by 41% between the 2000 and 2020 censes to about 1,700 people. His tenure was a total failure. As Lieutenant Governor, he has advocated reducing the prison population by at least one- third and legalizing marijuana sales.
Doctor Mehmet Oz went to Medical School and became a highly successful Cardiac Surgeon. He then went on to become a successful and longtime television personality, using that platform to provide sensible health care and other advice to millions of viewers. As such he has developed the skills to successfully articulate sensible policies of immigration reform, crime and drug control, energy independence, fiscal and inflation control, renewed family and community institutions and a better life for all Americans.
To me, the choice is obvious. My grandchildren will be far better off with Doctor OZ and others like him plotting the course for America’s ship of state.
Maury Fey
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